
We manage sensitive data from

From social security numbers and salaries to bank account details; a lot is at stake in this business.
To ensure data security and confidentiality and avoid breaches, we practice the following frameworks to ensure your data is always safe:
# Data Back-Up

An appropriate backup mechanism is set in place to prevent data loss.

Data back-up ensures accessibility when connecting to your data from local areas or remote locations.

# External Drives Disabled

Reduces risk of data being taken off source computers

Eliminates the chance of virus infections from unauthorized USB sticks

# Antivirus Implemented

Defense against hackers and data thieves

Protection from spyware and phishing attacks

# Security Cameras

Reduced intervention of human security personnel

Real-time video surveillance

# Limited Internet & User Access

Reduced chance of credential misuse

Reduced accidental data exposure

# Confidentiality

Stringent Non-Disclosure Agreement signed by the employees at the time of recruitment

Unique username and password for each team member to access his/her workstation